By Frank I. Luntz | | March 13, 2016
Snapchat generation's chasm of disconnection with Republicans is a long-term electoral crisis.
If you want to understand today’s young Americans, consider this: 58% of them think “socialism” is the most compassionate political system, compared with just 33% who pick “capitalism.” Heck, 9% even voted for “communism.”
That’s right: Two-thirds in a poll I did last month say socialism or communism is more compassionate than capitalism.
While Republicans fight a war over how high to build a mythical wall on our Southern border, they ignore the war for the hearts and minds of America’s largest generation in history — even bigger than the Baby Boomers.
The Republican Party doesn’t have a problem with younger voters. Younger voters have a problem with the Republican Party, and it is rapidly becoming a long-term electoral crisis.
In our recent national survey of 1,000 first- and second-time voters ages 18 to 26, Republicans weren’t just off on the wrong track. They were barely on the radar with this Snapchat generation, as it is sometimes called.
Let’s start with the simplest question we asked: “Out of today's major political figures, who do you like and respect the most?”
Nearly one in three (31%) chose Bernie Sanders, followed by 18% for Barack Obama and 11% for Hillary Clinton. The highest ranking Republican was … Donald Trump, at a mere 9%. In fact, Sanders — who won more than 80% of young Democrats in Tuesday’s Michigan primary — scored higher than all the Republicans combined. This isn’t just a slant toward the Democrats; it’s a chasm of disconnection that renders every prominent national Republican irrelevant with the voting bloc that could control campaigns for the next 30 years.
The problem, or “crisis” if you're an active Republican, is in their political identification. Fully 44% identify themselves as Democrats, higher in my polling than any age cohort in America. By comparison, about 15% call themselves Republican, lower than any age cohort. The remaining 42% say they’re independent, but on issue after issue they lean toward the Democrats. It’s not that young people love the Democratic Party — they don’t. But they reject the Republican Party and the corporate interests it appears to represent. Democrats can live with this dynamic. Republicans might die by it.
The GOP debates are still delivering incredible ratings — the one on March 3 in Detroit had nearly 17 million viewers, the second biggest audience for Fox News in its 20-year history. Even though most young Americans are left of center, millions still tuned in. But they are not hearing the Republican presidential candidates making the case for economic freedom rather than a government-controlled economy, or arguing that the people should be in control of their financial future rather than Washington, or highlighting entrepreneurship success stories while attacking the inevitable inefficiencies, waste and inequities of government handouts.
The Democratic debates are largely about substance and solutions (What can we give away next?), while the Republican debates have been too often about hand size, spray tans and whatever insult the candidates can dream up next. Even for the least mature among us, free stuff beats Don Rickles. It’s painful for me to acknowledge, but the Democrats look like the adults in the room right now. Accordingly, their big-government policies look all the more reasonable.
So while Republicans sling mud and shove their heads in the sand of whatever primary is next, America itself is changing beneath their feet. The younger generation and the Republican Party simply see the world, and America, very differently. For instance, 58% in our poll say that “America isn't any better or worse than most other countries,”compared with a 42% minority that believes “America is exceptional. It's better than every other country in the world.” The "America is No. 1" philosophy and policy of the GOP isn’t resonating.
One reason is that Republicans have allowed the Democrats to essentially own social media and have only recently begun to catch up. From online fundraising to Facebook organizing, the Democrats took the lead and haven't looked back. At a recent Republican gathering of several dozen members of Congress, I asked them how many had and regularly used an account on Snapchat, the social media app that “disappears” photos and videos soon after they’re sent and which has experienced explosive growth over the past year. Almost none raised their hands. Among the congressional Democrats I asked, almost all are Snapchatting away. The GOP should follow the example of former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a John Kasich supporter who last week became the first significant political figure to endorse a presidential candidate via Snapchat.
Americans ages 18 to 29 made up 19% of the vote in 2012, and President Obama pulled about 60% of their support. This year, they’re even more engaged: Nearly six in 10 (57%) say they are following the election “extremely” or “very” closely. And it’s just the primaries! What’s more, 87% respond that they are “extremely” or “very” likely to vote in the general election.
Republicans, ignore this generation at your own peril, because they sure as hell are ignoring you.
Frank I. Luntz is a pollster and an on-air contributor to Fox News and CBS News. His clients have included Facebook, Google, Snapchat and Pinterest.
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